Sabtu, 29 Januari 2011

Kisi-kisi UAS English III

Answer the following questions in a separate piece of paper. DO NOT write anything on this question sheet.
1.     1.   Which of the followings is a topic sentence?
a.       China has issued new regulations concerning internet controls.
b.      The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.
c.       The main targets of its Web censorship.
d.      Many recent developments in the hi-tech industry.
e.      The modem for connecting to the LTE network.

2.      2.  The following are topic sentences, except
a.       The influence of XO laptop is felt beyond the classroom.
b.     Face recognition cameras installed in HP laptops cannot detect black faces.
c.     Some industry watchers are convinced that the popularity of portable notebook is already waning.
d.     The most obvious way to turn AR into a money-spinner.
e.     Kristen Nohl cracked the algorithm to encrypt calls using GSM technology.
3.     3. Which of the following is a grammatically correct sentence?
a.     By forcing mobile phones and base stations to rapidly change radio frequencies over a spectrum of 80 channels. (fragments)
b.     (subject missing) Announced his intention to crack the code at the Hacking at Random (HAR) conference in The Netherlands in August this year.
c.     Facebook has added a new layer of protection for changing your privacy settings.
d.     Earlier this year, China it had backed down from a requirement for new computers to be loaded with controversial Internet-filtering software.
e.     That software a filter against porn.
4.     4. Which of the following is a grammatically correct sentence?
a.     In honor of the technology's pearl anniversary.
b.     The PC industry was interested in laptops and other portables not solely because they can charge more for cramming components into smaller cases.
c.     Had pushed many people to believe that the future lies in portable devices.
d.     Which is designed to challenge the iPhone.
e.     Designed to prevent phone calls from being intercepted.
5.     5. Which of the following is a good sentence?
a.       Nohl claims to have published material that would crack the A5/1 algorithm. The code is designed to prevent phone calls from being intercepted by rapidly changing radio frequencies over a spectrum of 80 channels.
b.     AR is a technology that allows data from the web to be overlaid on a view of the physical world although a relatively small sector at the moment analyst predicts that AR will generate incomes of $732m (£653m) by 2014.
c.     AR it allows mobile operators to combine the increasing functionality of smartphones such as GPS video and accelerometers with the increasingly available number of location-based apps.
d.     AR is a technology that allows data from the web to be overlaid on a view of the physical world.
e.       MIT's Sixth Sense project aims to turn the world into a computer the service highlights BestBuy stores to anyone nearby.
6.     6. Which of the following is a good sentence?
a.     Which allows users to hold up their phones and locate nearby coffee shops.
b.     Critics say the tax would be difficult to implement. Google says it could slow down innovation.
c.     Facebook has added a new layer of protection for changing your privacy settings.
d.     New regulations have been issued by China concerning internet controls the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology posted the new rules last weekend.
e.     Apple would not say how much the Quattro deal was worth reports say it could be around $275m (£170m).
7.    Number 7 : 
      1. Just as there are thousands of albums you can buy on CD for your stereo, and thousands of movies you    can buy to play on your VCR or DVD player, there are thousands of programs that you can buy to run on your computer.
2. Your VCR or DVD player are hardware devices that are capable of reading the software from a tape or disk and projecting it onto your TV screen, in the form of a movie.
3. For example, when you go to the video store and rent or buy a tape or DVD, what you're really getting is the software that's stored on that tape or disk.
4. Similarly, your computer is a hardware device that reads software too.
5. Software is the general term for information that is recorded onto some kind of medium.            The correct order of the sentences above to make a good paragraph is…..
a.       a. 1-2-3-4-5         d. 2-3-4-1-5
b.       b. 2-3-4-1-5         e. 5-4-2-3-1
c.       c. 5-3-2-4-1
8.     Number 8 :
1.    1. In years past, the concept of a nanocomputer was thought of in terms of being a small computer that 
          would accomplish all the tasks associated with the large electronic brains of the 1940’s and 1950’s.
 2. Today, the general idea of a nanocomputer would involve the insertion of the small device within the body 
     to help support natural organ functions, treat illnesses, and in general perform specific tasks that the body   
     is no longer able to manage without some sort of assistance.
 3. Over time, as technology made it possible for smaller mainframes to surpass the capabilities of those  
     earlier electronic brains, the idea of the nanocomputer as a device that was not only small but possibly 
     even microscopic in nature began to emerge.
4. While the concept of the nanocomputer has been around for several decades, the perception of the 
    technology continues to evolve as it becomes possible to store and utilize data and functions on systems 
    that are increasingly compact in design.
5. A nanocomputer is a type of computer that is commonly employed in the field of nanotechnology.                                                                                                                                            
  The correct order to make a good paragraph is….
a.     a. 1-2-3-4-5         d. 5-1-4-3-2
b.     b. 4-3-2-1-5         e. 5-4-1-3-2
c.     c. 4-1-3-2-5
9.     Number 9 :
1.     1.For example, e-mail access is now standard
  2. Finally, With ‘Third Generation’ telephones, broadband access offers the possibility of video  
      phones, television and full Internet access.
  3. The functions available in modern-day cell phones are increasing rapidly.
  4. Thus, with relatively cheaper price, the features of today’s cell phones give more benefits to 
      their users.
  5. Cellular phone cameras now rival stand-alone digital cameras in terms of quality.                            
  The correct order to make a good paragraph is…..
a.     a. 1-2-3-4-5         d. 5-3-1-2-4
b.     b. 3-1-5-2-4         e. 3-4-1-5-2
c.     c. 3-5-1-2-4
10   10.  Why is an outline important for your research paper?
a.         a. Outline helps writers organize their thinking, and show the logical flow of the paper to the 
b.         b. Outline helps writers define their research questions and methodology
c.         c. Outline helps writers to formulate their result findings easily
d.         d. Outline helps writers demonstrate their research paper to the readers
e.        e. Outline helps writers to connect their ideas to the readers through the research paper.
11   11.  Below are things to consider when composing outlines using MLA standards, except….
a.         a. Arrange information logically
b.         b. Logically arrange major and minor subdivision of thought.
c.         c. The topic headings should reflect the actual content of the paper/paragraph.
d.         d. Every subdivision must have at least two parts
e.         e. Use decimal outline only for division of ideas.
12    12.  Which of the following statements is true concerning outlines, except?
a.          a. Topic outlines uses noun, noun phrase or noun substitute
b.          b. Sentence outline is written in full sentence
c.          c. Paragraph outlines are used in short papers where a paragraph is used in every entry except 
                for headings
d.         d. For division of ideas, alphanumeric outline uses the orders of Roman numerals, capitalized letters, 
                Arabic numerals, and lowercase letters.
e.         e. Decimal outline doesn’t use any letter.
13     13.  The followings can be found in your abstract, except:
a.     Conclusions           d. bibliography
b.     Objectives              e. results
c.     background
14      14.  In your research paper, explanation on “what benefits your study will bring” and “why your 
                 study is important” are found in…..
a.              a. Purpose of the study                d. results
b.              b.Significance of the study                       e. conclusion
c.              c. Methodology
15       15.  What is the difference between statement of the problem and research questions?
a.                a. No difference
b.               b. Statement of problem is stated in “Introduction” while research question in “Methodology”
c.               c. Statement of problem is stated in a declarative sentence, with elaboration; while research 
                     question is stated in interrogative, without elaboration.
d.              d. Statement of problem is the core of the research, research question is not.
e.              e. Statement of problem is usually supported by external opinions such as experts, politicians 
16        16.  Where can you find the research findings of the previous research?
a.                a. Introduction                                                     d. result and discussions
b.                b. Background (Review of related literature)         e. suggestions for further research
c.                c. Methodology
17       17.  Which of the following is the correct way to write references in your paper?
a.     (Timothy Bowes, Programming Language, 2009)       d. (Bowes, Timothy, 2009)
b.     (Timothy Bowes, 2009: 181-185)                           E. (Bowes, T. 2009)
c.     (Bowes, 2009)
18        18.  What do you do when quoting more than four lines, directly from a resource book?
a.     The quotation is not separated from the current paragraph, the quotation is italicized and put in quotation marks.
b.     Separate the quotation in another paragraph with lesser font size and indentation adjustment.
c.     Separate the quotation in another paragraph; the quotation is italicized and put in quotation marks.
d.     The quotation is not separated from the current paragraph, written with lesser font size
e.     The quotation is separated and underlined
19        19.  Below are some ways to paraphrase, except
a.     Use synonyms
b.     Change active sentences into passive
c.     Change passive sentences into active
d.     Write outline of the original text
e.     Paraphrase using your own words, change the main idea of the original text if necessary
20       20.  The explanation of population, sampling, data analysis, the issues of validity and reliability   
                  are  presented in the section of….
a.               a. statement of problem   d. methodology
b.               b. Hypothesis                   e. result and discussion
c.               c. Abstract
21       21.  Which of the followings can be used as instruments to conduct your study?
a.               a. observation and hypothesis      d. structured-interview and observation
b.               b. validity and questionnaire         e. research questions and data analysis
c.               c.  reliability and survey
22      22.  What do you explain in the section of procedure?
a.     Explain how the data collected is analyzed using the specified tools for data analysis
b.     Analyze the research findings
c.     Analyze the appropriateness of research questions and the methodology to answer them
d.     Analyze the validity of the research
e.     Explain the steps of research including the time setting, data analysis and limitation of the study
23     23.  The summary of what you did and what you found in your research is written in……
a.     Abstract                             d. findings and discussions
b.     Introduction                       e. conclusions
c.     Literature Review
24     24.  Below are things usually presented in the “Conclusion”, except….
a.     Summary of abstract                      d. recommendation
b.     Summary of findings                                   e. summary of what was done in the research
c.     Suggestions for further research
25      25.  The following information is included in a CV, except…..
a.            a. Family background                    d. working experience
b.            b. Personal details                         e. Interests and achievements
c.            c. Education and qualifications
26      26.  Which of the following statements about CV is true?
a.             a. Write working experience in a reverse chronological order
b.             b. Order working experience from the beginning to the present
c.             c. List your educational background from the primary levels onwards
d.             d. List all skills you have
e.             e. Mention your grade (and GPA) under the heading of “Education” whatever your grade is.
27     27.  Which of the following statements is true regarding functional and chronological CV?
a.              a. Functional CV focuses on skills, chronological CV on working experience
b.              b. Functional CV focuses on working experience, chronological CV on skills
c.              c. Functional CV focuses on academic achievement, chronological CV on skills
d.             d. Functional CV focuses on skills, chronological CV on academic achievement
e.             e. Functional CV focuses on interests, chronological CV on personal details
28     28.  Where is the applicant’s contact details presented in the application letter?
a.             a. in the body of the application letter, in the second paragraph
b.             b. on the upper left side, below the date of the letter writing
c.             c. on the upper left side, below the addressee
d.            d. on the upper right side, above the date
e.            e. at the left bottom side, below the signature
29     29.  Which of the following statement is true about application letter?
a.             a. Fresh graduates should focus on working experience
b.             b. Experienced applicants should focus on academic achievement
c.             c. Fresh graduate applicants should focus on the lack of experience they have
d.            d. Experienced applicants should focus on working experience
e.         e. Fresh graduate should focus on academic achievement, skills gained at university and internship.
30   30.  Which pair of salutation and closing is correct?
a.           a. Dear Sir or Madam, Faithfully yours      d. Dear Mr. or Mrs. , sincerely yours
b.          b. Dear Sir of Madam, Sincerely yours      e. Dear Mr. or Mrs. , faithfully yours
c.          c. Dear Mr. Smith, Faithfully yours
31   31.  Look at the following list of authors used in a research paper
Sandra Bullock  Arnold Smith    Jennifer Aniston                       Robbie Williams           Paris Hilton   Noam Chomsky           Steven Spielberg           Andrew McMahon       Celce Muria            Linda Gerot      April White      Jamie Anderson                        Hosein Farhady                        Hatch Vgotsky
Which first three authors come first?                                                                                             
a. April White, Andrew McMahon, Arnold Smith                                                                         
b. Sandra Bullock, Arnold Smith, Jennifer Aniston                                                                            
c. Jamie Anderson, Jennifer Aniston, Sandra Bullock                                                                            d. Jamie Anderson, Hosein Farhady, Hatch Vgotsky                                                                         e. Jamie Anderson, Jennifer Aniston, Celce Muria
32  32.  How would you write a book written by Hossein Farhady and Hatch Vgotsky in your   
a         a. Hossein, Farhady and Hatch Vgotsky.    d. F. Hossein and H. Vgotsky
b.        b. Farhady, Hossein and Vgotsky, Hatch.   e. Hossein, F. and Vgotsky, H.
c.        c. Farhady, Hossein and Hatch Vgotsky
33   33.  Which of the following bibliography writings is correct?
a.          a.Jamie, Anderson. (2009). Programming Language Makes Easy. MacMillan: New York
b.          b.Anderson, Jamie. (2009). Programming Language Makes Easy. MacMillan: New York
c.          c.Anderson, Jamie. (2009). Programming Language Makes Easy. New York: MacMillan
d.         d.Jamie, Anderson. (2009). Programming Language Makes Easy. New York: MacMillan
e.         e.Jamie, A. (2009). Programming Language Makes Easy. New York: MacMillan

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